Bronze medal winner of the prestigious Reader's Favorite award in the coming of age category in 2022!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Move Over Wimpy Kid, there's a new kid in town. I'm now the coolest aunt for introducing my nephew to Austin Davenport."⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "My reluctant reader couldn't put it down!"⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Well we hit the jackpot with this one. He read it in 2 days and could hardly put it down. Now, I am going to purchase the next few books in the series."⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "This should be a movie!"Middle School Mayhem: Down with the Dance is the first book in this action-packed, hilarious middle school series. Meet Austin Davenport, whose fabulous luck landed him on this earth only eleven short months after his brother, Derek, putting them in the same grade. While Austin's brain power is unmatched, it appears as if his brother got all the athletic gifts and the family butt-chin, meaning their parents love Derek more than Austin, or so it seems.Join Austin on his journey through the tumultuous waters of middle school as he navigates the swampy and undeodorized hallways and explores the depths of the cafeteria's seafood surprise.Oh, and someone is plotting to take down the Halloween Dance, the one that Austin has his sights set on, so he can take Sophie Rodriguez, a girl way out of his league, but who doesn't seem to know it. Can he stay one step ahead of the new principal who has it out for him? Will Austin figure out who the perpetrators are? Will he save the dance in time? Will he wear a diaper on a stakeout? This first in a planned series of twelve will have you ROFLing like you never have before. The funny and fast-paced nature of this series is meant for middle grade and early young adult readers. Beware! This series has the tendency to turn reluctant readers into eager ones. This is a fabulous choice for those just starting with chapter books and intermediate readers. The series deals with friendship, bullies, family situations, and more with a whole lotta humor, but some good life lessons as well.Readers who love James Patterson's Middle School series, Chris Grabbenstein, Rachel Renee Russell, Jeff Kinney, Shannon Hale and Marcus Emerson will love C.T. Walsh's world of mayhem. This middle school series of twelve books has all the dorks, dweebs, and wimpy kids you could ever want!This book and series are a great fit for the following readers:4th grade boys 4th grade girls (9 years old)5th grade boys 5th grade girls (10 years old)6th grade boys 6th grade girls (11 years old)7th grade boys 7th grade girls (12 years old)8th grade boys 8th grade girls (13 years old)Reluctant readersBookworms who love reading children's school grade novelsKids who like reading diaries about dorks and/or wimpy kidsKids who like reading middle school fiction
✔ Author(s): C.T. Walsh
✔ Title: Down with the Dance (Middle School Mayhem)
✔ Rating : 4.6 out of 5 base on (680 reviews)
✔ ISBN-10: 1950826015
✔ Language: English
✔ Format ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML and MOBI
✔ Device compatibles: Android, iOS, PC and Amazon Kindle
Readers' opinions about Down with the Dance by C.T. Walsh
Audriana Daly
Experience the profound impact of art and creativity in this beautifully written novel. The author's evocative writing and compelling characters bring the story to life. Each chapter explores the transformative power of art with sensitivity and depth. The plot is both thought-provoking and emotionally resonant. It's a narrative that celebrates the beauty of human expression. Ideal for readers who appreciate stories about art and inspiration.
Molly Adams
Embark on a journey through time with a historical novel that spans generations. The author's meticulous research and engaging prose create a vivid and immersive experience. Each character's story is intricately woven into the fabric of history. The narrative explores themes of legacy, identity, and change with depth and insight. It's a captivating blend of personal and historical drama. Perfect for fans of multi-generational sagas.
Amelie John
Explore the impact of technology on society in this thought-provoking novel. The author's insightful writing and compelling characters create a narrative that challenges your perceptions. Each chapter delves into the complexities of modern life with depth and nuance. The plot's twists and turns keep you engaged throughout. It's a story that prompts deep reflection on the role of technology in our lives. Perfect for readers interested in contemporary issues.
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