[PDF/ePUB] Everything Fat Loss

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This is not your typical weight loss book. Weight loss books have historically been rife with misinformation. A conveyor belt of diet books pretending to have the latest revolutionary weight loss hacks, trying to grab your attention with whatever weight loss diet is trending. What is the best diet for you? Is it the ketogenic diet? Is it intermittent fasting? Is it the 5:2 diet? Is it a low-carb diet, a low-fat diet, or one of the many rapid weight loss plans promising that you can all lose an astronomical amount of weight in a short space of time? Do you know what doesn't make sense? Telling everyone to follow the same weight loss diet, period. Diets are not one size fits all. We are all different, and a diet plan that your friend is successful with might be a diet plan that doesn’t work for you. There is no 'best' weight loss diet for everyone. We are all individuals with different biology, preferences, and circumstances. Here are some cold, hard facts: - It is estimated that half of all adults are attempting to lose weight at least once per year. - Losing fat is the most sought-after goal in the fitness industry. - Despite the prevalence of diet attempts, global body weights have been trending upward for the last 50 years. - Most people who start a weight loss diet only get short-term results and are not successful at keeping that weight off in the long run. - Many of you feel confused by the huge amount of conflicting weight loss information and feel fed up with hopping from one diet to the next, constantly losing and regaining the same amount of weight. Rather than pretending to have the universal solution for everyone, Everything Fat Loss comprehensively explains and summarises what the research actually says about every major fat loss topic to help you formulate a plan that works for you. No gimmicks. No overhyped marketing. No cookie-cutter diet plans. No false promises. This is the ultimate scientific resource on fat loss, written to cut through the BS. It is literally, everything you need to know about fat loss, compiled into one handy resource.

✔ Author(s):
✔ Title: Everything Fat Loss
✔ Rating : 5 out of 5 base on (434 reviews)
✔ ISBN-10: B0BT733QD8
✔ ISBN-13: 978B0BT733QD9
✔ Language: English
✔ Format ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML and MOBI
✔ Device compatibles: Android, iOS, PC and Amazon Kindle

Readers' opinions about Everything Fat Loss by Ben Carpenter

Beata Shepard
This book completely captured my heart. The characters were so relatable, and their journeys resonated deeply with me. The writing was poetic and powerful, leaving me with a sense of awe. I'm grateful to have experienced this literary gem.
Sydney Richardson
What a rollercoaster of emotions! I laughed, cried, and everything in between. The author's ability to evoke such raw feelings is truly commendable. It's a story that will stay with me forever.
Kara Snyder
The depth of character development was astounding. I felt like I knew each person intimately, understanding their hopes, fears, and dreams. It made the story so much more meaningful.

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