[PDF/ePUB] Groundcover Revolution

Groundcover Revolution: How to use sustainable, low-maintenance, low-water groundcovers to replace your turf - 40 alternative choices for: - No Mowing. - No fertilizing. - No pesticides. - No problem! image


Why Replace Turfgrass Lawns? Despite their appearance, our lawns are not the “green” expanses we think they are. Sure, they are better than concrete, but barely. In many instances, turfgrass lawns are so compacted and dense that storm water is hardly absorbed—causing most of it to run off into nearby streets and pollute local waterways with the herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers that are applied to the turfgrass. Consider all the maintenance costs of a turfgrass lawn. Frequent mowing, fertilizing, weeding, watering, re-seeding, edging, and aerating not only eat up your personal resources of time and money, but they can be harsh on the environment. Even using all electric equipment and organic methods requires a far greater use of resources to maintain a “healthy” green lawn in comparison to non-turf groundcover alternatives. The Benefits of Groundcovers Weed Suppression Established groundcovers help reduce weeds by creating a solid, healthy mat of roots. They grow thickly to shade the soil and prevent weed seed germination. Some groundcovers are better at weed suppression than others. If this is a main goal of yours, select groundcovers with dense, low foliage that forms a thick mat on the surface of the soil. Fill in Deep Shade or Full Sun Turfgrass struggles in deep shade and can also do poorly in full sun, especially in warmer climates. Many groundcover plants are suitable for either situation, though very few do well in both of these extremes. Think of each groundcover choice as a tailored fit rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. It may take a wardrobe of several kinds of groundcovers mixed together to create a patchwork that covers all the portions of your landscape. Support Wildlife Many groundcover plants produce flowers. We love the beauty of flowers, but they also provide nectar and pollen for beneficial insects. The flowers then turn into seedheads and feed birds. There’s no need to put up and fill commercial birdfeeders when your whole landscape is one! Absorb Stormwater Runoff Groundcover plants have a superior ability to absorb stormwater over turfgrass lawns. Groundcovers can also act as a filter for pollutants and take in excess nutrients as well. After they intercept the water, they transpire the moisture back out over several days. Increased groundcover foliage density equals increased absorption and transpiration. Also, the ground shading by these plants also prevents quick water evaporation on hot days. Establishment Takes Time The goal of an established groundcover is to create a solid, healthy root zone that does not allow weeds to germinate or flourish. There will likely be some weeding required as the groundcover plants get situated and fill in. There is an old garden adage, “First year sleep, second year creep, third year leap.” This saying is just as applicable to groundcovers as to any other plant. The first year it is in the ground a plant is spending its time reviving from transplant shock, getting used to the new growing conditions, and expanding its roots in the new soil. You may not see much growth on top, but growth is happening at the cellular level. The second year, the plant has started to hit its stride and is testing out its boundaries and situation. It will start putting out tentative growth forays and seeing if those are successful. You will start to see a bit of growth and increase. Dwarf Crested Iris(Iris cristata) Dwarf Crested Iris is a small iris that is beardless and it faces right up at you, unlike so many other woodland flowers that require you to peer at them from a rabbit’s vantage point. The pretty flowers are stemless and come in a range of pale blue, lilac, or lavender with white markings and a narrow, orange or yellow crest on each fall. Because it grows to just a few inches tall, it is best suited for the borders of woodland paths and tucked in front of shrubs or among tree roots. It does well in rock gardens and on slopes as well. The plant blooms on the previous year’s growth, so it will take a year to establish and f lower. The blossoms are visited by bees and hummingbirds. When not in flower, the narrow foliage is like that of bearded iris, but on a miniature scale and more densely spaced—quickly forming a thick mat that outcompetes weeds. Like many iris, the rhizome sits slightly exposed above the soil level and should not be fully covered with mulch or other material. This iris can withstand short periods in wet soils but prefers to be planted in drier conditions. It spreads slowly by rhizomes. It is easy to divide and share the root divisions or put them in different spots around your own garden. Division is best done in early fall. To propagate it by seed, allow the seedpods to dry on the plant then break them open over an envelope to collect the seeds. They are generally trouble-free and require no care once planted. If they are bothered by slugs or snails, sprinkle the area with iron phosphate pellets or diatomaceous earth. Dwarf Crested Iris Stats Height: 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) Winter hardiness: -35°F (-37°C) Evergreen: Yes Bloom time: Spring Spread speed: Moderate Sun exposure: Part sun to part shade Soil type: Average to acidic soil; well-draining Native range: Eastern United States Creeping Phlox (Phlox stolonifera) Creeping Phlox is a groundcover that resembles a thick green carpet. When in bloom, it is sprinkled with purple, blue, pink, or white flowers. For best flowering, give it full to part sun and sheer or pinch back the blooms after the first flowering for a secondary bloom show later in the season. It can take some shade, though the flowering will be less prolific. Plant it between pavers and along pathways. It can take moderate foot traffic and bounce right back. It adapts well to various soil conditions. It looks great hugging a gently slope for erosion control. Creeping phlox does not tolerate sitting in wet soils for long periods or having organic material like leaves or mulch sitting on top of it. It should be kept well-watered for its first year, itis quite drought-tolerant after that. It spreads by surface stems (stolons) that root at the growth nodes to form a solid groundcover. It is easy to propagate creeping phlox by cutting stem sections of 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) long from the parent plant during the late summer or early fall. Treat the bottom end of the cutting with a rooting hormone to help it along and plant it in a well-drained, soil-less growing medium. It is deer-and rabbit-resistant. The fragrant f lowers attract many pollinators, and it is a butterfly favorite. Creeping Phlox Stats Height: 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) Winter hardiness: -15°F (-26°C) Evergreen: Yes Bloom time: Spring Spread speed: Moderate Sun exposure: Full sun to part shade Soil type: Well-draining Native range: North America

✔ Author(s):
✔ Title: Groundcover Revolution: How to use sustainable, low-maintenance, low-water groundcovers to replace your turf - 40 alternative choices for: - No Mowing. - No fertilizing. - No pesticides. - No problem!
✔ Rating : 4.5 out of 5 base on (56 reviews)
✔ ISBN-10: 0760378150
✔ ISBN-13: 9780760378151
✔ Language: English
✔ Format ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML and MOBI
✔ Device compatibles: Android, iOS, PC and Amazon Kindle

Readers' opinions about Groundcover Revolution by Kathy Jentz

Melody Blake
What an intellectual journey! The themes explored in this book challenged my perceptions and sparked introspection. It's refreshing to read a book that provokes such thought.
Virginia Savage
The rich historical context of the book added a layer of depth that I found fascinating. It was like stepping back in time and experiencing history firsthand.
Katherine Stevenson
The characters in this book felt like old friends, and I was sad to say goodbye to them at the end. It's a testament to the author's talent for creating memorable and relatable personas.

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