Persona 5: the Animation is an anime television series produced by CloverWorks, a Japanese animation studio and a rebrand of A1 Pictures, renowned for making popular amine series such as Fairy Tail, The Promised Neverland, and Darling in the Franxx. the Animation is based on an internationally acclaimed role-playing video game Persona 5 which has sold over 2 million copies worldwide and a combined 9 million copies across all series. This is a complete collection of material, giving fans detailed behind-the-scenes look at the developing artworks such as character profiles, props profiles, background designs and visual illustrations (including never-before-seen illustrations). The materials consists not only works from Persona 5: the Animation but also from the special episode Dark Sun , which was broadcasted in December 2018 and Stars and Ours, which was broadcasted in March 2019. Also includes an exclusive interview with the director Masashi Ishihama. Not only fans of Persona series (both anime and games), animators and illustrators but also people who are interested in knowing what kind of materials are used to make anime and how the processes are developing will be intrigued by this book.
✔ Author(s): PIE International
✔ Title: PERSONA 5 the Animation Material Book
✔ Rating : 4.8 out of 5 base on (447 reviews)
✔ ISBN-10: 4756252125
✔ Language: English
✔ Format ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML and MOBI
✔ Device compatibles: Android, iOS, PC and Amazon Kindle
Readers' opinions about PERSONA 5 the Animation Material Book by PIE International
Carla Oliver
Get lost in a fantastical realm where magic and adventure await at every turn. The author's imaginative world-building and captivating narrative draw you in from the start. Engaging characters and thrilling quests make for an exciting read. The plot twists and turns keep you hooked until the very end. It's a book that sparks the imagination and takes you on a wild ride. Perfect for fans of fantasy.
Rosanagh Barrett
Immerse yourself in a richly detailed fantasy world where heroes and villains clash in epic battles. The author's intricate plotting and dynamic characters create a compelling narrative. Each twist and turn in the story keeps you hooked from start to finish. The vivid descriptions and imaginative world-building transport you to another realm. It's a thrilling adventure that captures the essence of epic fantasy. Perfect for fans of high-stakes adventures.
Rayleen Kirby
Delve into the dark and twisted world of a psychological thriller that keeps you guessing. The author's masterful storytelling and complex characters create a gripping narrative. Each plot twist is meticulously crafted, adding to the suspense. The tension builds with each chapter, making it impossible to put down. It's a chilling and captivating read that explores the depths of the human psyche. Perfect for fans of psychological suspense.
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