[PDF/ePUB] Quantum DNA Healing

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How consciousness and quantum energies affect your genetic expression and the development of disease and chronic health conditions• Draws on cellular medicine, genetics, quantum physics, and consciousness studies to define the real underlying mechanisms of disease and how they can be addressed • Explains how consciousness influences quantum DNA to erase the genetic imprint of illness, allowing your body to remember how to function efficiently and effectively• Shares the author’s discoveries that enabled her to successfully heal the cellular dysfunction at the root cause of her cancer, tumors, chronic inflammation, and toxicity• Explores consciousness tools to re-encode DNA and includes detailed scripts for techniques that readers can apply to their own healing journeysDrawing on new advancements in quantum physics, cellular medicine, genetics, and consciousness studies, as well as her own journey of self-healing from a number of challenging health conditions, Althea S. Hawk reveals how you can consciously influence your DNA and re-encode it to improve your health and alter your genetic destiny.Sharing the discoveries that enabled her to successfully heal from her cancer, tumors, toxicity, and inflammatory-related conditions, the author explains how genes are not solely responsible for creating disease. She shows how human physiology interacts with the quantum energies of our external and personal environments and how the resulting information triggers the development and persistence of disease and chronic conditions. We each inherit susceptibilities, but it is our unique experience of these environmental factors, as well as our beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, that alter the way our genes are expressed. Detailing how our DNA is both quantum-energetic and biological-chemical, Hawk explains how your environment and your consciousness influence your quantum DNA, which in turn interacts with your biological DNA. By working directly with energetic information that affects how your quantum and biological DNA communicate, you can alter the expression of your genes by re-encoding the gene sequences on your physical DNA, erasing the imprint of illness and enabling your body to remember how to function properly.Hawk explores consciousness tools and mind-body techniques to re-encode your DNA, such as sound and breathing work, DNA marker removal, recalibration of Akashic information, and cellular communication exercises that readers can apply to their own healing journeys.

✔ Author(s):
✔ Title: Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny
✔ Rating : 4.4 out of 5 base on (47 reviews)
✔ ISBN-10: 1591432871
✔ ISBN-13: 9781591432876
✔ Language: English
✔ Format ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML and MOBI
✔ Device compatibles: Android, iOS, PC and Amazon Kindle

Readers' opinions about Quantum DNA Healing by Althea S. Hawk

Beata Shepard
What an intellectual journey! The themes explored in this book challenged my perceptions and sparked introspection. It's refreshing to read a book that provokes such thought.
Sydney Richardson
I couldn't stop raving about this book to my friends and family. It's a literary gem that deserves all the praise. I can't wait to dive into more works by this talented author.
Tasha Cobbett
I'm already planning to reread this book. It's one of those stories that you can revisit again and again, discovering new layers of meaning each time.

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