MEN: ARE YOU IN A SEXLESS MARRIAGE? DIVORCED AND DON’T WANT TO GO THROUGH THAT NIGHTMARE AGAIN?YOU’RE NOT ALONE.THERE ARE A LOT OF MEN OUT THERE NOT HAPPY WITH THEIR SEX LIVES.What is going on? Is the tried-and-true stereotype of the sexually frustrated husband and the cold, bossy wife inevitable? Are monogamous relationships doomed to such a pitiful state? Is that just the way marriage is supposed to be?I DON’T THINK SO.To make a long story short, several years ago I was married for 15 years, found out that my wife was cheating, quickly divorced and found myself newly single and sharing custody of three little kids. I then started a website at After chatting with many men in my situation , I slowly started to notice patterns of behavior. Most men experienced long “Dead Bedroom” periods in their relationship prior to their divorce. Many of these men later discovered their wife's infidelity. It’s no coincidence that the two go hand-in-hand. The wife wanted intimacy, too. Just not with her husband.I wrote about my thoughts on Dead Bedrooms on my website and it is by far the most popular topic to date. It has outranked all other topics combined. Then I started a podcast and recorded a few episodes. The Dead Bedrooms episode was the most downloaded.Simply put, nobody seems to know what to do to keep the fire going in their long-term relationship. Most of us experience a “honeymoon phase” of intimacy, and then watch it quickly fade as the stress of life/kids and the boredom of familiarity settle in. Enter the sexless marriage.It honestly doesn’t have to be this way.I don’t claim to have all the answers for a happy married sex life. What I do know is that my own experience (seven very happy and very satisfying years in my new relationship) and the experience of hundreds of other men have helped to create a prescription for what I feel is the only true, honest, no bullsh*t way to get your wife jumping your bones again. It works for me and for thousands of other men just like you.I have finally put that prescription down on paper, and I call it The Dead Bedroom Fix. My readers are fixers and they have tried everything under the sun to light a fire in their wife again. Some have already lost their marriage battle and don’t want to go down that awful road again. What they all tell me: The Dead Bedroom Fix is the best, no bullsh*t, no fluff, no nonsense guide to getting your SELF, and consequently, your sex life back on track.It just works.
✔ Author(s): D.S.O
✔ Title: The Dead Bedroom Fix: 2020 Edition!
✔ Rating : 4.3 out of 5 base on (317 reviews)
✔ ISBN-10: 0578566672
✔ Language: English
✔ Format ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML and MOBI
✔ Device compatibles: Android, iOS, PC and Amazon Kindle
Readers' opinions about The Dead Bedroom Fix by D.S.O
Naomi Bates
Experience a heartwarming journey of self-discovery and love in this beautifully written novel. The protagonist's struggles and triumphs are portrayed with incredible empathy. Richly developed characters and a compelling plot make the story unforgettable. The emotional depth of the narrative resonates long after the book is closed. It's a touching tale that celebrates the human spirit. Perfect for readers seeking an uplifting read.
Perri Jarvis
Get lost in a fantastical realm where magic and adventure await at every turn. The author's imaginative world-building and captivating narrative draw you in from the start. Engaging characters and thrilling quests make for an exciting read. The plot twists and turns keep you hooked until the very end. It's a book that sparks the imagination and takes you on a wild ride. Perfect for fans of fantasy.
Elvenia Connolly
Delve into a richly detailed fantasy world where magic and mystery abound. The author's imaginative world-building and captivating plot draw you in from the start. Each character's journey is thrilling and their development is relatable. The narrative is filled with enchanting elements that keep you hooked. It's a story that sparks the imagination and transports you to another realm. Perfect for fans of epic fantasy.
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