[PDF/ePUB] The Seven Chakra Personality Types

The Seven Chakra Personality Types: Discover the Energetic Forces That Shape Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your Place in the World (Chakra Healing) image


Meet author Shai Tubali Shai Tubali is a leading authority in the field of self-development and self-empowerment. In his writings and teachings, he skillfully combines psychology, philosophy, Yogic traditions and Eastern thought and practices, into powerful processes of inner transformation. A trained Yogi, with 18 years of studies in the field of Eastern thought and Yogic traditions, Shai Tubali has become one of Europe’s experts in the field of subtle bodies and, more specifically, the ancient chakra system. Based on his own direct and ongoing revelation of cosmic consciousness since the age of 23, he has guided thousands in Israel and Europe towards deeper experiences of the hidden potentials of their hearts and minds. Chakras are energy centers in our bodies through which we experience life. The chakras define seven centers of perception and experience. Through these centers, we each encounter and experience our own multidimensional reality. When you look at life through the lens provided by the chakras, you discover that life can be seen in specific and distinct ways, and in light of this discovery, different values, meanings, and happiness become far more relevant. Each one holds a different energy and examining these qualities can help you use the chakras as a tool for understanding yourself and coping with change. A system for classifying people into seven personality types based on the wisdom of the chakras. Each of us has one chakra that is more dominant for us than the others as well as a second and a third chakra that influence the way we experience life and define our strengths and weaknesses. This unique combination of one major chakra, one secondary chakra, and one supporting chakra forms the chakra personality type. Find deeper understanding and acknowledgement of each other’s value. Understanding our chakra type can help us better understand our own unique structure and reveal why we have certain tendencies and are attracted to specific things. We can use this information to help us make the right decisions in our careers, lifestyle, and relationships and to fulfill our greatest potential in life. An introduction to the seven chakras as illuminators of our individual paths and indicators of the way our individual journeys unfold or could unfold. 'Builders' – lovers of details, foundations and structures. 'Achievers' – energetic pursuers of ambitions and heights. 'Caretakers' – emotionalists who wish to help. 'Speakers' – charismatic leaders and guides. 'Artists' – lovers of life, experience and feeling. 'Thinkers' – keen observers and idea-makers 'Yogis' – silent and reclusive meditators. Your chakra type determines the way you perceive and experience the world. What chakra personality type are you? Are you a root chakra personality type? Learn about the root chakra type, the 'Builders', who constitute 40% of the world population. First-chakra types see the world as a space in which to build. To them, there is no greater meaning in life than the one found in steady and persistent construction, improving the foundations and strengthening the roots of human society and culture. The material world and all its substances are here to be organized, arranged, and reshaped to form a harmonious and life-supporting environment. Are you a sacral chakra personality type? Learn about the sacral chakra type, the 'Artists', who constitute 7% of the world population. Artists live in the moment itself, with no purpose, no future, and no worries. They live for the sheer pleasure found in the here and now. They have a tendency to be surprising and to do the unexpected. The term 'artist', here, indicates a general perspective on life. It describes someone who sees life as art, as a canvass on which the interplay of colors, sounds, and textures creates a platform for an endless array of possible feelings and experiences. Are you a solar plexus chakra personality type? Learn about the solar plexus chakra type, the 'Achievers', who constitute 25% of the world population. In some ways, Achievers are an interesting hybrid of Builders and Artists-a surprising mix of impulsive craving and careful planning. They are marathon runners who steadily advance while keeping their eye on the prize. They are the ones who dream of climbing a mountain, not for the sake of the adventure, but because they want to reach the top. They want to stick their flag on the highest peak-preferably one that no one has reached before. Are you a heart chakra personality type? Learn about the heart chakra type, the 'Caretakers', who constitute 15% of the world population. Fourth-chakra types communicate to realize their emotional potential. They don’t care as much about influence as they do about intimacy. These people express and demonstrate the power of emotion and love. Their main passion is to bring people together, to unify, and to make sure that there is harmony all around. Caretakers are commonly found among those who strive to form loving family units, raise children, cultivate friendships, and create opportunities for intimacy. Devotion is their key experience, whether it be devotion to family, children, partners, or to people in need and to the world at large. Discover your chakra identity with simple self-tests at the end of each chapter that will help you find your three-part personality type; major, secondary and supportive. Are you a throat chakra personality type? Learn about the throat chakra type, the 'Speakers', who constitute 7% of the world population. Speakers communicate to give full expression to their thoughts experiencing fulfillment when they influence people and events. Their passion is to affect the world around them. Fifth-chakra types are enthusiastic and passionate beings. Their strong faith in their visions and dreams keep them energetic and wakeful. Since they're always gazing toward a distant future, they remain optimistic. Their enthusiasm is contagious, and they have the capacity to excite others and gather them around one grand vision. Are you a third-eye chakra personality type? Learn about the third-eye chakra type, the 'Thinkers', who constitute 5% of the world population. The sixth type introduces a new level of self-reflection, as they’re in love with thoughts and ideas. Thinkers are the great observers of life and humanity. They need to understand the world sometimes leads them to natural science, where they can work to fathom the mysteries of life in the cosmos. Sometimes they’re drawn to the social sciences and humanities, where they can explore society and the human psyche. They love analyzing—looking into the ways cosmic and human patterns work. Are you a crown chakra personality type? Learn about the crown chakra type, the 'Yogis', who constitute only 1% of the world population. Yogis have their passion so intensely turned to inner worlds. Yogis are drawn to a pure state. Any state that seems pristine, spotlessly empty, and endlessly refined strikes them as more 'real'. After all, they want to return to what they perceive as the purest state prior to all creation as it seems too diverse. They want to become absorbed in space or light. That's also why they're attracted to the concept of spiritual enlightenment, in which they transcend even their own personality and lose all distinctions and attributes.

✔ Author(s):
✔ Title: The Seven Chakra Personality Types: Discover the Energetic Forces That Shape Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your Place in the World (Chakra Healing)
✔ Rating : 4.5 out of 5 base on (233 reviews)
✔ ISBN-10: 1573247367
✔ ISBN-13: 9781573247368
✔ Language: English
✔ Format ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML and MOBI
✔ Device compatibles: Android, iOS, PC and Amazon Kindle

Readers' opinions about The Seven Chakra Personality Types by Shai Tubali

Sarah Franklin
I must confess, this book made me shed tears like never before. The themes of love, loss, and resilience struck a chord with my soul. It was an emotional journey I'm grateful to have taken.
Katherine Stevenson
The way the author handled complex emotions and relationships was remarkable. I felt deeply connected to the characters, and their growth throughout the story was both inspiring and moving.
Iris Watts
The themes of resilience and hope resonated deeply with me. This book taught me valuable life lessons that I'll carry with me for years to come.

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