MINE! That's what the very greed bee says to anyone who asks him to share. While all the other bees work hard to clean the hive and make honey, the very greedy bee spends all of his time gobbling pollen and guzzling nectar. One day he finds a meadow full of flowers and decides not to tell anyone. He spends the entire day buzzing from flower to flower until...THUMP. The very greedy bee is so full that he cannot fly! It's getting dark and he doesn't know how to get home unless he flies. With the help of some new found friends the very greedy bee is able to return to his hive and has learned that it's best to work with others and share what you have.
✔ Author(s): Steve Smallman,Jack Tickle
✔ Title: The Very Greedy Bee (Let's Read Together)
✔ Rating : 4.6 out of 5 base on (190 reviews)
✔ ISBN-10: 1680103563
✔ Language: English
✔ Format ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML and MOBI
✔ Device compatibles: Android, iOS, PC and Amazon Kindle
Readers' opinions about The Very Greedy Bee by Steve Smallman
Nayeli Hooper
Dive into a captivating mystery where each clue unravels a new layer of intrigue. The author's masterful storytelling keeps you guessing until the final page. Vivid characters and detailed settings bring the story to life. The suspense builds with each chapter, making it impossible to put down. It's a gripping tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat. A must-read for fans of the genre.
Leyanne Kemp
Experience the profound impact of art and creativity in this beautifully written novel. The author's evocative writing and compelling characters bring the story to life. Each chapter explores the transformative power of art with sensitivity and depth. The plot is both thought-provoking and emotionally resonant. It's a narrative that celebrates the beauty of human expression. Ideal for readers who appreciate stories about art and inspiration.
Hailie King
Delve into the dark and twisted world of a psychological thriller that keeps you guessing. The author's masterful storytelling and complex characters create a gripping narrative. Each plot twist is meticulously crafted, adding to the suspense. The tension builds with each chapter, making it impossible to put down. It's a chilling and captivating read that explores the depths of the human psyche. Perfect for fans of psychological suspense.
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